Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A New Year and a New Pin!!!

I finally got my titleholder pins!!!! Since my speech at ILSb-ICBB 2015 was such a hit, I decided to take that theme 'NO MORE BOXES' and create my pin. They are for sale, $5 each. If you want one, contact me at swcbb2015@gmail.com; or find me around town. I will have them with me at SWLC in Phoenix. 

I am finally getting a handle on my health, and am feeling so much better. I have started a new fitness program. I go to the fitness room here at our apartment complex and ride the recumbent bike every day for about 5 miles. Then I work out on a few of the machines several days a week, strengthening my abs, back and legs. Waiting to get permission to start working my upper body. The scale doesn't say I have lost any weight, but my clothes are starting to fit funny. I have decided not to make it a goal to lose weight, instead focusing on getting more healthy and in shape. I figure by doing this, the weight will take care of itself. Although most of the time I am in the fitness room by myself, I have found by taking my Kindle Fire, I can read my way through the miles and actually can go longer and work harder. If I sit there watching the time or distance, I 'get tired' and give up. I actually did an experiment on this, and the days I read, I was able to go the 5 miles and didn't realize it. So that is what I am doing. The added benefit is that I am getting to read which is a love of mine.

We are starting the last two months of our title year, and the SW Leather title family have a great event planned on Jan 16th. It is Casino Nights, to be held at Bunkhouse Saloon. All the proceeds will be given to Mama Sandy for her pet project, Project Sunset. This is the project in San Francisco that works with kids affected by AIDS/HIV. She collects toys and gift cards to provide Christmas to children that might not have what the rest of us enjoy. Mama Sandy is very special to the SW Leather Title family, and it is our pleasure to honor her in this manner. Come on out, play some casino games, participate in silent auction, raffle, beer bust and jello shots. We will have entertainment, and a very special surprise. 

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