Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Let Them Fly

During the interview process for SW Community Bootblack, I was asked what my goal was for the year if I were to win the title. My response was that I wanted to spread my passion for bootblacking, teach those that wanted to learn about bootblacking, and work towards creating a family with the others that I was competing with that weekend. After winning, I realized that I have another goal…one that for me is even more personal.

Through the years, I have been told that I couldn’t do things because I was female, or I was straight, or I was bisexual, or even worse, I was disabled. I was pushed into a box that others felt I should be in, and when I attempted to break out of that box, all hell broke loose. I was accused of being difficult or not falling in line with the status quo.

Know what? F**K THAT!!! Once I decided that I was not going to be kept in the box that others wanted me in, life became much nicer. I began to sleep better, get along better with others, and started to truly live. I had people come to me after the weekend and ask me where I came from. It actually was quite comical. I am still me, the difference is I was, and am free! I no longer live my life according to others standards. I am happy, carefree and am finally being true to myself.

So, what do I hope to accomplish during my year as SW Community Bootblack? I want people to realize that it doesn’t matter what is on someone’s chest, what is between someone’s legs, or whether someone is disabled or not. Let them live their lives the way they see fit, and let them fly!!! 


  1. Bravo to you for coming to this realization, most never do. Cheers to an amazing title year doing what you want, your way. It's your year, run with it or better yet, fly.

  2. Great job going to be wonderful year
